IABA Owner’s Blog

Spirit of a Warrior

Fear lives inside of us as a wise messenger, to tell us when we are not ourselves; to tell us when we are in danger. Yet unguided fear, as I wrote about last week, loses her wisdom...
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The Witch Hunt

When I was a child I went through a period where I was obsessed with the Salem Witch Trials. My mom even took me to Salem to see the museum.  At the time I think I was...
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A Few of My Favorite Things

Over the past several months I've been writing to you about the courage and joy that come from walking through pain. About the importance of feeling our feelings versus shoving them down, avoiding them, or taking them...
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Blue Eyes

This weekend was a quiet one without my boys. I earned something on Audible called a "Weekend Warrior," which I guess means I've listened long enough to be a warrior by their definition. The book I can't...
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Finding Authentic Joy

In closing out my last series about struggle, grief, and, and strength I intentionally wanted to write about authentic joy. I wanted to experience and provide an example about how joy can be found anywhere and anytime....
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Too Strong for Who?

I don't know if this is true for anyone else who has a sister but my sister is part of me and I'm part of her. I can't explain it but we know each other in our...
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Ink-Black Skies

Last week I wrote to you all about staying true to myself through my divorce and the importance of staying true to yourself. I have to be honest, this has been the struggle of my life and...
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Roots in the Grass, Wings in the Sky

Over the past few months, I've been alluding to my own personal struggles as well as our collective trauma as a nation. This week I publicly announced that I'm getting a divorce. One thing that I've committed...
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Finding Our Roots

Over the past two weeks, I've been writing to you about looking underneath the leaves of our psyche and how to slowly start overturning each leaf. As I lift my own leaves I'm reminded of my own...
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Sitting with Ourselves

So what else is there? What else is Beneath the leaves? This is a question I believe we will all be asking ourselves our entire lives as we navigate from our ego to our knowing and back...
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Beneath the Leaves

Last week I wrote to you about being lost within the forest of life. I believe as humans we all get lost during periods of our life for a multitude of reasons. In the forest, there are...
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Walking Home to Ourselves

As a parent, there are a million joys that come from getting to know your little humans. I've always been fascinated by nature vs. nurture. The thing that has taken my heart by storm, however, is children's...
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Choose Pain, Come Home

It's Monday morning and I'm sitting in my office, outside of the house for the first time since March. I also dropped off my son, Dametrius, at in-person school at 7:15 AM today.  After three weeks as...
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The Valley of Winter

As fall comes to an end I'm sitting on the farm surrounded by freshly fallen snow. It's as though the universe is painting a visual for this season of life. These past few months have been extremely...
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The Importance of the Early Years

If you're a mom of young children like me I'm sure you've had the thought of going to the zoo once or twice. It goes something like this: The local zoo announces a baby. Let's say an...
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Picking Your Mountain to Die On

Okay, okay I hear you. That title! It's a loaded one. I thought I'd just have a little fun this week with wrapping up our series about functions of behavior. I'll explain the title in a bit....
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Trail of Ashes

From deep within my being I have always known I’m an intuitive soul. I swallowed the feelings of the world from a young age. I can’t join any conversation or issue without feeling the full range of...
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Raising Love Warriors

You guys, this past week has been a long and dark one. I'm so thankful for being able to write this blog. You see, I believe the universe has divine timing when we are connected to it....
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Shining a Light on Shame

Last week I wrote to you about being authentic both at home and work. This is a big topic and I feel like I've only identified one wave in the ocean of authenticity. Today I want to...
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Authentic Love Warriors

This past week has been a long and eye-opening one for me. It started with Henry and my first trip back to Illinois since our move out to the farm in Ohio. I crammed every second with...
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