Our Mission
Guiding Beliefs
2. All children can learn. We firmly believe that every child can learn. Some just learn differently than others. At IABA, we specialize in helping children with autism learn how to navigate their own unique world. We do this by retraining behaviors and strengthening neural pathways to help decrease the symptoms of autism over time. Each year, we proudly graduate two to three preschool-aged children from the diagnosis of autism.
3. Every child deserves his/her own treatment plan. No two children are alike. That’s why one-size-fits-all curriculums don’t work and can even make symptoms worse. At IABA, we perform individualized assessments of each and every child, noting their strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes. Then we create a customized treatment plan to help that child learn in a way that’s comfortable, and effective, for them.
4. Everyone is equal. At IABA, no one is ever made to feel less than. We’re all one family, and we believe in treating people the way we would like to be treated. This applies to therapists and co-workers, as well as our patients and their families. It’s a simple idea that makes a world of difference.
These beliefs guide everything we do at IABA. They are also the basis of our overall mission to ensure learning for all of the individuals we serve, regardless of funding source.
Through it all, with love and the latest science, we continue to work toward the goal we’d like to someday realize for all children: To create a world where disability doesn’t have to mean being disadvantaged.

Your child will be treated with love and respect and get the absolute best access to care here at IABA.
– Jessie Topalov, Executive Director and BCBA

Our Approach
When you have a child with autism, you want to know that you are providing them with the best chances for success, and you want to help them further develop their skills and acquire new ones.
It can be challenging to decide what the best path is for your child and who you can turn to for help. Applied behavioral analysis is the leading therapy for autism, and Instructional ABA Consultants will help you to navigate your child’s future and set your child up for success.
At IABA, we are firm believers that every child has all the potential in the world and has the capability to become the best version of themselves.