What Is ABA Therapy?

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy is the process of applying interventions that are based on the principles of the learning theory in order to improve social skills, facilitate language development, promote independent living skills, and establish positive changes in behavior.

The scientific principles of ABA were developed by Dr. B.F. Skinner in the 1930s. However, ABA therapy did not become widely practiced until the 1990s. It is the only evidence-based method to teach children or adolescents who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). ABA therapy is also used with children who have other developmental disabilities.

ABA Therapy Helps Teach Children with ASD

Autistic children are wonderful students however, they often do not understand instructions or the social world. ABA therapy is effective therapy because it studies each behavior that needs to be increased or decreased on an individual level and is able to teach at the level of the learner.

At IABA, we customize all of our programs to ensure every client has a program where they can be successful. Examples of programs include:

  • Precision Teaching (PT)
  • Discrete Trial Training (DTT)
  • Natural Environment Teaching (NET)
  • Verbal Behavior (VB)

Skills and Behaviors ABA Can Help Manage

  • Communication
  • Early Learning Skills
  • Fine and Gross Motor Skills
  • Life Skills
  • Play and Leisure Skills
  • Self-Help Skills
  • Social Skills
  • Vocational Skills

ABA Therapy with Instructional ABA Consultants

IABA strongly believes that every child has the ability to learn new skills that are essential in order for them to be successful. When you have an autistic child, you want to surround them with people who truly understand their condition and who will dedicate themselves to helping them achieve their full potential.

Our team is fully devoted to helping our clients be successful by breaking down goals into tasks that they can accomplish.

Customized ABA Therapy

Our team works to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each child in order to customize a treatment plan to set that child up for optimal success. By developing a thorough understanding of who each child is and what they like, we can incorporate their preferences into the therapy session.

Our main goal is for each child to be successful. That means we don’t want to insist on never-ending care. While some clients may require ongoing care, our intention is to work toward having the least amount of therapy possible. Although we are sad to see our clients less, we see a decreased amount of therapy as a true success, and that is exactly what we want for all of our clients.